The San Jose Model

The San Jose Model for FTO Training is the most widely used and most effective system used by law enforcement agencies throughout the nation. The San Jose Model has been successfully implemented in municipal, county, state and federal agencies and in all aspects of law enforcement; patrol, dispatch, corrections, records, animal control to name a few.

Agencies using the San Jose Model FTO program realize the following benefits:

  • Produce highly trained and positively motivated employees capable of meeting or exceeding the standards or performance the organization requires.
  • Improves the agencies selection process through on-the-job observation of each new employee’s performance and their response to training.
  • Builds on the foundation of skill and knowledge acquired in the basic training experience by creating an environment in which the trainee may enhance those skills and increase proficiency in all aspects of job performance.
  • Establishes a valid, job-related appraisal system utilizing a standardized and systematic approach to the documented measurement of probationary performance.
  • Provides equal and standardized training to all newly hired members and provides remedial training in those areas with identifiable deficiencies.
  • Establishes an additional career path within the organization by providing qualified members (FTOs) with advanced training and opportunities to develop leadership and supervisory skills.
  • Ultimately increases the overall efficiency, effectiveness and reputation of the organization through the modeling of professional, competent and ethical behavior.

Contact Us

For more information about the San Jose Model or our process, please contact us through our web form or call 303-358-9780.

San Jose Model FTO Program | Kaminsky, Sullenberger & Associates
Delivering high-quality education across the united states with basic training for FTOs to advanced training for experienced FTOs.

About Us

Kaminsky, Sullenberger & Associates has been recognized as a leader in providing training in the Field Training Officer (FTO) concept since the mid 1970s.



  • FTO Training
  • CTO Training
  • FTO Refresher Courses
  • Advanced FTO Course
  • Administration, Management and Supervision of FTO programs

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